Wie weiter nach dem Ende der Diktatur? Republik (7 January 2025)
Hamburg and the Second City Phenomenon Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin / AGYA (3 November 2024)
How Germany Lost the Middle East Foreign Policy (24 May 2024)
Berlin, the lost Eldorado for Arabs L’Orient Today (8 May 2024)
Will growing public opinion force Germany to suspend arms sales to Israel? TRT World (19 April 2024)
Why is Bangladesh Even Bothering to Hold Elections? The Diplomat (29 November 2023)
‘The streets were jammed’: fear and confusion after Morocco earthquake The Guardian (9 September 2023)
Wir gründen gerade das Berlin von morgen (In German) Süddeutsche Zeitung (5 August 2022). The article is behind a paywall but the free PDF can be read here.
Die Doppelmoral ist verblüffend (In German) Der Spiegel (5 March 2022). The article is behind a paywall but the free PDF can be read here.
Can the Ukraine War Help Repair the World’s Skewed Moral Compass? Egyptian Streets (5 March 2022)
Berlin: Inside Europe’s capital of Arab culture MEE (11 October 2021)
On Migration and the Melancholy of Nostalgia: A Conversation with Amro Ali Egypt Migrations (17 September 2021)
I was interviewed, along with Leila Chamma, Ramy al-Asheq, and Liwaa Yazji, for a feature piece in exBerliner magazine on Berlin as the “new Arab intellectual capital”. The print issue is out now in Germany (1 February 2021), you can download the PDF version of the print article or read the online version (or in German) which is now available (19 April 2021).

Monument to diversity in the “Capital of Exiles” Qantara (December 2020)
Barakunan interview with writer and sociologist Amro Ali for Day 3 of Electronic Literature Day (26 November 2020)
“As part of Day 3 of Electronic Literature Day, Dr. Amro Ali speaks to Dani Arbid about Berlin as the home of a newly emerging Arab exile body, the city as a laboratory of ideas, and notions of hope, evil, and dignity in an age of despair.”
من حرب اليمن وحصار غزة إلى فاجعة لبنان .. هل جعلت السوشيال ميديا كل شيء عاديـًا؟
‘From the Yemen war and the blockade of Gaza to the tragedy in Lebanon.. Has social media normalized everything?’ (in Arabic) Vice Arabia (17 August 2020)
Racism in the Arab World: An Open Secret Majalla (12 June 2020)
Can’t find the Middle East on a map? Here’s why Bigthink (22 January 2020)
Salam aleikum und frohe Weihnachten (in German) Süddeutsche Zeitung (21 December 2019)
Egypt’s battle against plastic Raseef (28 November 2019)
How Berlin became the ‘capital city of Arab exile’ +972 Magazine (17 October 2019)
Berlin – Hauptstadt der arabischen Exil-Intellektuellen (Radio interview in German) BR24 (30 September 2019)
A feature report on the Arab Berlin exile essay was aired on the Kulturzeit program on the German 3sat channel (17 September 2019). Click here to watch the video.
“Berlin wird immer mehr zu einem Ort, an dem sich Künstler und Intellektuelle aus den arabischen Ländern zusammenfinden, um das Erbe ihrer Revolution zu retten.”
The German newspaper DIE ZEIT ran a feature piece on the Arab Berlin exile essay and the respective intellectual scene (28 August 2019). Click here for the PDF.
Egyptians express support for Syrians after lawyer’s insult Gulf Times (12 June 2019)
How Egypt views turmoil in neighboring Sudan Al-Monitor (17 April 2019)
An illustration has become a symbol of resilience after the Christchurch terror attack CNN (20 March 2019)
Deadly Cairo train crash brings to surface anger, discontent in Egypt Al-Monitor (4 March 2019)
Amro Ali on Arab Berlin The Arabist (8 February 2019)
Il Destino Comune E L’associazione Maydan (Italian) Maydan (18 January 2019)
Living the double life: behind the lies of women’s daily lives in Egypt Open Democracy (14 September 2018)
Egyptians outraged at plans to leave best beaches to tourists Al-Monitor (3 July 2018)
The World Cup was supposed to distract Egypt from misery. It made things worse. Washington Post (25 June 2018)
Egyptian Christian Football Players Facing Religious Discrimination Al-Bawaba (24 June 2018)
Pathos und Patina in Alexandria: Im Kokon der Vergangenheit der Zukunft abgewandt (German) Deutschlandfunk (24 June 2018)
Ägypten feiert den Star der Champions League (German) Deutschlandradio (27 May 2018)
Authoritarianism as usual Le Monde Diplomatique (20 April 2018)
Preliminary results suggest Sisi has won – but with a devastatingly low turnout The Independent (29 March 2018)
On Egypt’s elections. BBC (28 March 2018)
Nichts wie weg (German) Süddeutsche Zeitung (25 March 2018)
El humor egipcio, único medio de expresión ante unas elecciones sin sorpresas (Spanish) La Vanguardia (24 March 2018)
An archive of resistance: Documenting Egypt’s revolution Al-Monitor (6 February 2018)
Présidentielle en Egypte: un pro-Sissi comme seul candidat face à Sissi (French) Radio France Internationale (29 January 2018)
Child poverty increases in Egypt as critical support languishes Al-Monitor (9 January 2018)
Cambridge University professor at centre of row over Giulio Regeni death Guardian (3 January 2018)
埃及史上最慘恐攻:305死,40槍手屠殺西奈清真寺 (Chinese) United Daily News (25 November 2017)
Análise: Península do Sinai vira um ímã para o terrorismo (Portugese) Jornal O Globo (24 November 2017)
The Wonder List with Bill Weir (Video documentary on Alexandria’s climate change) CNN (21 October 2017)
Egypt’s government tightens authoritarian control Crikey (29 August 2017)
“Così l’Italia salva un regime debole”. A scapito della verità su Regeni (Italian) il manifesto (19 August 2017)
Alexandria’s Vanishing Sea Shore Zenith (26 June 2017)
Qatar blockade could hit state airline, al-Jazeera and World Cup Guardian (5 June 2017)
Egypt’s journalists decry attack on free speech as 21 websites banned Al-Monitor (26 May 2017)
Egypt’s opposition challenges government in court Deutsche Welle (2 February 2017)
Degeneration nation: It takes a village of idiots to raise a kakistocracy like Donald Trump’s Salon (17 December 2016)
Sweet-Toothed Egypt Endures a Sugar Crisis: ‘People Are Going to Snap’ New York Times (20 October 2016)
The Decimation of Alexandria’s Architectural Heritage Egyptian Streets (20 July 2016)
Giulio ha svelato i poteri rivali che governano Il Cairo il Manifesto (6 April 2016)
The story of cities, part 1: how Alexandria laid foundations for the modern world Guardian (14 March 2016)
If Climate Change Doesn’t Sink Alexandria, Egypt’s Official Incompetence Will Take Part (26 February 2016)
Egypt’s record of torture, disappearances and murder ABC News (21 February 2016)
Detention of Egyptian Journalist Prompts Outrage Online New York Times (9 November 2015)
Icon of inaction: The boy washed ashore Gulf News (3 September 2015)
Egypt’s new anti-terror law ABC News (17 August 2015)
As Egypt Unveils Its ‘New Suez Canal,’ Dissenters Make Voices Heard Online New York Times (6 August 2015)
Alexandria Again and Forever Jadaliyya (13 July 2015)
The events at Tahrir Square radically changed how Egyptians talk today Quartz (23 June 2015)
Egito: a formação de uma sórdida ditadura Carta Capital (20 February 2015)
Killing of Protester Prompts Rare Criticism From Egyptian State Newspaper New York Times (27 January 2015)
Al menos 18 muertos en el cuarto aniversario de la revolución egipcia El Mundo (25 January 2015)
Egyptian Police Attack Marchers Carrying Flowers to Tahrir Square, Killing Protester New York Times (24 January 2015)
The Lighthouse Dims Foreign Policy (23 December 2014)
Radio interview on the state of Egypt’s revolution and Peter Greste’s case ABC Radio (22 October 2014)
Egypt issues stamps to mark new Suez Canal – but uses pictures of Panama Canal The Telegraph (13 September 2014)
No journalist’s report could damage Egypt as much as the al-Jazeera verdict Guardian (24 June 2014)
The Peter Greste verdict ABC News 24 (24 June 2014)
Anger and Dismay Online as Egypt Sentences Journalists New York Times (23 June 2014)
Al Sisi, el profeta de los salafistas (Spanish) El Mundo (29 May 2014)
Egyptian ‘Muppet’ Abla Fahita has rejected allegations she used an advert to broadcast secret messages to anti-Egyptian government organisations News.com.au (3 January 2014)
Egyptians Mock Ads Promoting New Constitution With Typos and Stock Images New York Times (16 December 2013)
It’s ‘Sisi-Mania,’ as Nationalist Fervor Sweeps Through Egypt New York Times (25 October 2013)
Egyptians irked by official bid to curb protests Los Angeles Times (18 October 2013)
Egypt’s Military Does No Wrong in Eyes of Weary Citizens Bloomberg (26 August 2013)
Egypt’s ‘Day Of Rejection’ Turned Deadly TIME (3 July 2013)
Viral Images: On the case of Khaled Saeed Art Monthly (March 2013)
O sermão de Morsi e os limites do seu poder PÚBLICO (25 November 2012) (On Morsi’s acquisitions of exceptional powers for a Portuguese magazine)
İskenderiye Kütüphanesi’nde Skandal (Turkish) Onedio (19 October 2012)
CLOSE-UP: Who was Khaled Saeed? RN Drive (20 September 2012) (Radio interview by Waleed Aly)
Interview with comedian and scholar Amro Ali Montreal Review (January 2012)