After the SBS Insight show, the question was posed to us, “Could there ever be a good dictator. I like Akmal Saleh’s answer, “I would support a dictator who is handsome, but the current lot are ugly bastards”
“Our inheritance was left to us by no testament” – René Char
After the SBS Insight show, the question was posed to us, “Could there ever be a good dictator. I like Akmal Saleh’s answer, “I would support a dictator who is handsome, but the current lot are ugly bastards”
SBS Insight Forum “Monumental change is sweeping across the Middle East and North Africa.
Overview: “Powerful dictators are being toppled and long-entrenched regimes are under threat. Insight looks at the unfolding new order in the region and how democracy might work there. What do the people actually want … and what will they get?”
Part One:
Part Two:
Part Three: